Hope Outreach Christian Ministries (HOCM) had its humble beginning as a family bible study in the home of Elder Wintely and Sis. Sherrie Ingram in 2000. The bible study was opened to any and everyone with a desire to learn. In August of 2005, Hope Outreach Christian Ministries was organized as an independent, multi-cultural family outreach ministry. HOCM’s mission was focused on giving Hope to those in the community and abroad. The aim was to Help Others Prepare to Excel, physically, mentally, and spiritually. The ministry was blessed with a leader who had a servant’s heart, kingdom qualities and demonstrated a love and passion for God and His people. 

On October 7, 2012, Pastor Ingram passed away and we were devastated.  As God began to heal us, the ministry began to seek God for a Special Man of God who also possessed the same Kingdom qualities. The search to fill those shoes lasted for about three years and then something amazing happened. While seeking God for a leader we did not fully understand God’s Plan. But yes, God really had a plan, and it was happening just a few towns over. God was up to something, and it involved Min. Terriss K. Stevenson, a Mulberry native.  After eleven years of faithfully serving under the leadership of Pastor Hill (Jerusalem MBC, Mulberry, FL) God directed Min. Stevenson to Acts Praise and Worship. In April 2012, Min. Stevenson submitted himself under the leadership of Pastor Camp (Acts Praise and Worship). God was calling Min. Stevenson to greater, and it was time to answer. He was being elevated from faithfully serving as a minister within a congregation to Pastoring and Fathering his own.

On April 6, 2014, Pastor Terriss Stevenson was ordained, and Sanctuary of Praise (SOP) emerged under the covering of Pastor Andre Camp. While pastoring his own flock, Pastor Stevenson visited HOCM a few times and delivered powerful and passion- filled sermons. After hearing Pastor Stevenson preach, HOCM knew there was something special about this Man of God. Something just felt right. In October 2016, Pastor Stevenson was asked to be the Interim Pastor of HOCM for a 6-month period, while he continued to pastor Sanctuary of Praise Ministry. The love grew and grew, and it was undeniable. We could not live without each other. On April 1, 2016, Pastor Stevenson accepted the pastoral position at HOCM. But what about Sanctuary of Praise? On May 1, 2016, the TWO became One. The Sanctuary of Praise Ministry and Hope Outreach Christian Ministries became THE SANCTUARY OF HOPE WORSHIP MINISTRIES! Where Our Vision is to T.O.U.C.H ALL!

T- Teach, Train & Transform

O- Others to Occupy

U - Unify

C- Cooperate & Connect

H -Heaven & Earth with the Love & Word of God